Sparse vectors are representations in a high-dimensional space, where only a small number of dimensions have non-zero values.

For example, for the same text, a dense vector representation with the BGE-M3 model would have 1024 non-zero valued dimensions. However, the sparse vector representation of the same text would have less than a hundred non-zero valued dimensions, whereas vector space potentially has more than 250 thousand dimensions. Also, unlike dense vector representations, sparse vectors might have varying non-zero valued dimensions depending on the text.

Generally, sparse vectors can be represented with two arrays of equal sizes:

  • The first array for the indices contains the indices of the non-zero dimensions.
  • The second array for values contains the floating point values for the non-zero dimensions.
dense = [0.1, 0.3, , ...thousands of non-zero values..., 0.5, 0.2]

sparse = (
    [23, 42, 5523, 123987, 240001], # some low number of dimension indices
    [0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5], # non-zero values corresponding to dimensions

Unlike dense vectors which excel at approximate semantic matching, sparse vectors are particularly useful for tasks that require exact or near exact matching of tokens/words/features. That makes it useful for various tasks, such as:

  • Information Retrieval and Text Analysis: By representing documents as sparse vectors where each token/word would correspond to a dimension in high dimensional vocabulary; and varying values by the frequencies of the tokens/words in the document or by weighting them with inverse document frequencies to favor rare terms, you can build complex search pipelines.
  • Recommender Systems: By representing user interactions, preferences, ratings, or purchases as sparse vectors, you can identify relevant recommendations, and personalize content delivery.

Creating Sparse Vectors

There are various ways to create sparse vectors. You can use BM25 for information retrieval tasks, or use models like SPLADE that enhance documents and queries with term weighting and expansion.

Upstash gives you full control by allowing you to upsert and query sparse vectors.

Also, to make embedding easier for you, Upstash provides some hosted models and allows you to upsert and query text data. Behind the scenes, the text data is converted to sparse vectors.

You can create your index with a sparse embedding model to use this feature.

BGE-M3 Sparse Vectors

BGE-M3 is a multi-functional, multi-lingual, and multi-granular model widely used for dense indexes.

We also provide BGE-M3 as a sparse vector embedder, which outputs sparse vectors from 250_002 dimensional space.

These sparse vectors have values where each token is weighted according to the input text, which enhances traditional sparse vectors with contextuality.

BM25 Sparse Vectors

BM25 is a popular algorithm used in full-text search systems to rank documents based on their relevance to a query.

This algorithm relies on key principles of term frequency, inverse document frequency, and document length normalization, making it well-suited for text retrieval tasks.

  • Rare terms are important: BM25 gives more weight to words that are less common in the collection of documents. For example, in a search for “Upstash Vector”, the word “Upstash” might be considered more important than “Vector” if it appears less frequently across all documents.
  • Repeating a Word Helps—But Only Up to a Point: BM25 considers how often a word appears in a document, but it limits the benefit of repeating the word too many times. This means mentioning “Upstash” a hundred times won’t make a document overly important compared to one that mentions it just a few times.
  • Shorter Documents Often Rank Higher: Shorter documents that match the query are usually more relevant. BM25 adjusts for document length so longer documents don’t get unfairly ranked just because they contain more words.

Upstash provides a general purpose BM25 algorithm, that applies to documents and queries in English. It tokenizes the text into words, removes stop words, stems the remaining words, and assigns a weighted value to them, based on the BM25 formula:

                       IDF(qᵢ) * f(qᵢ, D) * (k₁ + 1)
BM25(D, Q) = Σ ----------------------------------------------
               f(qᵢ, D) + k₁ * (1 - b + b * (|D| / avg(|D|)))


  • f(qᵢ, D) is the frequency of term qᵢ in document D.
  • |D| is the length of document D.
  • avg(|D|) is the average document length in the collection.
  • k₁ is the term frequency saturation parameter.
  • b is the length normalization parameter.
  • IDF(qᵢ) is the inverse document frequency of term qᵢ

To make it a general purpose model, we had to decide on some of the constants mentioned above, which would differ from implementation to implementation. We decided to use the following values for

  • k₁ = 1.2, a widely used value in the absence of advanced optimizations
  • b = 0.75, a widely used value in the absence of advanced optimizations
  • avg(|D|) = 32, which was chosen by tokenizing and taking the average of MSMARCO dataset vectors, rounded to the nearest power of two.

In the future, we might provide support for more languages and the ability to provide different values for the above constants.

As for the inverse document frequency IDF(qᵢ), we maintain that information per token in the vector database itself. You can use it by providing it as the weighting strategy for your queries so that you don’t have to weight it yourself.

Using Sparse Indexes

Upserting Sparse Vectors

You can upsert sparse vectors into Upstash Vector indexes in two different ways.

Upserting Sparse Vectors

You can upsert sparse vectors by representing them as two arrays of equal sizes. One signed 32-bit integer array for non-zero dimension indices, and one 32-bit float array for the values.

from upstash_vector import Index, Vector
from upstash_vector.types import SparseVector

index = Index(

        Vector(id="id-0", sparse_vector=SparseVector([1, 2], [0.1, 0.2])),
        Vector(id="id-1", sparse_vector=SparseVector([123, 44232], [0.5, 0.4])),

Note that, we do not allow sparse vectors to have more than 1_000 non-zero valued dimension.

Upserting Text Data

If you created the sparse index with an Upstash-hosted sparse embedding model, you can upsert text data, and Upstash can embed it behind the scenes.

from upstash_vector import Index, Vector

index = Index(

        Vector(id="id-0", data="Upstash Vector provides sparse embedding models."),
        Vector(id="id-1", data="You can upsert text data with these embedding models."),

Querying Sparse Vectors

Similar to upserts, you can query sparse vectors in two different ways.

Querying with Sparse Vectors

You can query sparse vectors by representing the sparse query vector as two arrays of equal sizes. One signed 32-bit integer array for non-zero dimension indices, and one 32-bit float array for the values.

We use the inner product similarity metric while calculating the similarity scores, only considering the matching non-zero valued dimension indices between the query vector and the indexed vectors.

from upstash_vector import Index
from upstash_vector.types import SparseVector

index = Index(

    sparse_vector=SparseVector([3, 5], [0.3, 0.5]),

Note that, the similarity scores are exact, not approximate. So, if there are no vectors with one or more matching non-zero valued dimension indices with the query vector, the result might be less than the provided top-K value.

Querying with Text Data

If you created the sparse index with an Upstash-hosted sparse embedding model, you can query with text data, and Upstash can embed it behind the scenes before performing the actual query.

from upstash_vector import Index

index = Index(

    data="Upstash Vector",

Weighting Query Values

For algorithms like BM25, it is important to take the inverse document frequencies that make matching rare terms more important into account. It might be tricky to maintain that information yourself, so Upstash Vector provides it out of the box. To make use of IDF in your queries, you can pass it as a weighting strategy.

Since this is mainly meant to be used with BM25 models, the IDF is defined as:

IDF(qᵢ) = log((N - n(qᵢ) + 0.5) / (n(qᵢ) + 0.5))
  • N is the total number of documents in the collection.
  • n(qᵢ) is the number of documents containing term qᵢ.
from upstash_vector import Index
from upstash_vector.types import WeightingStrategy

index = Index(

    data="Upstash Vector",